An extremely rare interview with Casisdead
Ahead of his long-awaited album Famous Last Words, the UK’s most mysterious rap star sits down with THE FACE to chat about death, drugs and being reduced to tears by the voice of Neil Tennant.
Ahead of his long-awaited album Famous Last Words, the UK’s most mysterious rap star sits down with THE FACE to chat about death, drugs and being reduced to tears by the voice of Neil Tennant.
D’n’b is back in the charts, and holds a place in the hearts of millions. Meanwhile, these young MCs are at the forefront of the genre’s renaissance.
Raza Tariq and his crew The Polymaths are out to reshape the creative industry in their own image. But is the 21-year-old really the “greatest artist in human history”, as he puts it? Or is he just a very ambitious young man?
Ket therapy labs have swept the US, recreational use is more popular than ever and pop culture references are everywhere you look. Here’s how a drug once associated with delinquency and seediness became the 2020's most sought after narcotic.
Violence, racism and verbal abuse are on the rise in Britain’s football grounds. Many blame cocaine. But a number of illegal drugs have been popular among fans at one time or another, with each having an impact on the atmosphere around the sport and the country. Sam Davies takes a deep dive into footy’s druggy underbelly.