GoT fan art 01: Claire Barrow

Jon Snow and Daenerys embrace next to a beautiful icy waterfall after Jon's first dragon ride.
The visual artist and designer sketches out Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 1.
Words: The Face
Illustration: Claire Barrow
Claire Barrow comes well equipped to guide us through Game of Thrones, HBO’s sprawling fantasy epic, currently enjoying its eighth and final (!) season on the telly.
Born in Yarm, North Yorkshire, the multi-disciplinary artist has brain like Sansa and a voice like Ser Davos. Her work – a twisted, surreal world of scary monsters and super creeps – would look as much at home in the lands of Westeros as the racks of high-end LA retail store H.Lorenzo. She can handle a needle better than Arya. Sh– well, you get the point.
Following Monday night’s surprisingly funny and death-free season premiere – main takeaway: Cersei Lannister loves elephants – Claire sat down to respond in the only way you really could. With some bonkers, insestuous fan art. Enjoy.
Hello Claire! Could you defeat a White Walker?
Well, I don’t have any dragonglass or Valyrian steel items handy so fire would be my only option. I would have to be pretty close to one to set them on fire and there’s a chance they wouldn’t die very fast.
Should Jon and Daenerys be kissing?
Yer, I think they should.…
Are you House Stark or House Lannister?
Stark. I can relate to the Starks being from the North and having the same accent.
How are your dragon riding skills?
I’ve been on one of those rodeo bull ride things and I was okay. That’s all I have to compare to. Just cling on!
Who’s going to end up on the Iron Throne?
I think they will split the kingdoms up once the throne room gets blown up by wildfire. Alternatively, it would be cool to see the Night King sat on the Throne surrounded by snow and main characters resurrected.
What are you going to do when Game of Thrones ends?
Re-watch old episodes over and over again.

Jon Snow and Daenerys embrace next to a beautiful icy waterfall after Jon's first dragon ride.

Lovers Jon and Daenerys ride her two remaining Dragons around The North unaware that they are related.

Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy have sex.

Samwell Tarly reveals the true to Jon in the Crypts of Winterfell.

The Night King murders and pins the 'Umber boy’ to a wall surrounded by his friends and families body parts.