On yer bike

Bikes and scooters trumped cars as the most popular form of transport during lockdown this summer. Capturing the trend, photographer Jermaine Francis heads to the streets of London.
Words: Matthew Whitehouse
Photography: Jermaine Francis
Article taken from The Face Volume 4 Issue 004. Order your copy here.
Two heads are better than one and two wheels are better than four. At least that’s what the streets are saying. This summer has seen the bike and scooter usurp the car as the vehicle of choice for young Londoners. Chalk it up to the quiet roads during lockdown. Empty pathways on the journey to… anywhere. While the scooter of NOW comes with the added oomph of being automatic, hydromatic, systematic and electric-powered, the familiar red Santander cycle remains as pleasingly analogue as ever. To paraphrase Andy Warhol, a Santander bike is a Santander bike and no amount of money can get you a better Santander bike than the one the bum on the corner is riding. All the Santander bikes are the same and all the Santander bikes are good. Just remember to check the brakes first.