How to role-play during sex without laughing
Got a burning sex question that you're too embarrassed to ask anyone but Google about? Charlotte Bayes is here to help.
Got a burning sex question that you're too embarrassed to ask anyone but Google about? Charlotte Bayes is here to help.
THE FACE speaks to five loved-up couples about bonding and bickering over the Bluetooth speaker.
We speak to a psychosexual therapist and individuals whose sexual appetites have shrunk during the pandemic.
Young people across the country are using their vax appointments to secure dates. Could this be the perfect serendipitous opportunity to cuff this summer?
The government has partnered with leading dating apps to encourage vaccine uptake among under-30s. But are people really willing to sacrifice dates if their matches aren’t vaxxed?
Founded by entrepreneur Vidya Madhavan, Schmooze revolutionises the dating game by using humour as an entry point. As the old saying goes, where words fail, memes succeed. Besides, Tinder is so 2015.