Watch Halle Bailey answer her fans’ questions

Halle wears jeans DIESEL, T-shirt stylist’s own, hair accessory MAYA GOLYSHKINA and shoes ASLAN WORLD

When The Little Mermaid trailer dropped last year, young Black girls flooded TikTok with their support. THE FACE connects them with their new Disney princess.

The only thing better than seeing Halle Bailey as Ariel in The Little Mermaid trailer last year was watching young Black girls reacting to it on TikTok. She looks like me!” they gasped, as they saw a Disney princess they could truly identify with on-screen. Their joy was infectious.

The videos pulled on Bailey’s heart strings too, of course. I was crying all night for two days, just staring at them in disbelief,” Halle told us in her THE FACE cover story.​“It makes me feel more grateful for where I am.”

So, when we headed to Los Angeles to shoot Bailey for our new issue, it was only right that we involved the little girls who are fizzing with excitement to see their new Ariel in cinemas when the live-action remake hits in May.

Below, watch Halle Bailey answer questions from the girls who reacted to the trailer.

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