100% Noen Eubanks: the future face of TikTok

One that’s painted with a kaleidoscope of Euphoria-inspired makeup looks, gems and temporary tatts.

TikTok is breeding a new generation of social media whizz kids. Ones that favour experimentation over conformity, self-expression over concealment and infinite transformation – epitomised by the app’s homegrown e‑boy” and soft-boi” subcultures.

Noen Eubanks is at the helm of the platform’s digital revolution. Sharing to his five million followers (and counting) a slew of 10-second videos that encapsulate GenZ zeitgeists. Think: snippets of Billie Eilish’s tunes, lip-syncing, an ever-changing aesthetic and a positive, non-judgmental attitude.

Having recently traded in his quiet life in Atlanta in favour of the bright lights of Los Angeles, the viral sensation has big plans for 2020. He’s recently teased the question: If I made a YouTube show, what would you want it to be about??” to his 1.4million Instagram followers and is currently working on an upcoming clothing line. Noen is about to become your online and IRL crush.

Check out his latest TikTok video below before getting your 100% fill.

10%: Where were you born, where were you raised and where are you now based?

I was born just outside of Atlanta, Georgia and spent a lot of my childhood moving around different places, Florida, Hawaii and now I’m based out in LA.

20%: At what point did you realise you’d be able to do what you love for a living?

I first made a video on TikTok as a joke to share with my brother a year ago. I didn’t think much of it but then when I came back on the app a month later I saw that it had over 100 views which felt huge to me. I knew then that if I took this seriously, I could do something big with it.

30%: What’s a piece of advice that changed your life?

You know you’re doing something right when you feel scared to put it out into the world. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.

40%: What kind of emotions and experiences influence your work?

Having fun and being positive.

50%: What can you tell us about your next project?

I’m currently working on a clothing line, which I’m super excited about, but I can’t really say much more than that.

60%: Break down your typical day at work…

Wake up, think of some cool ideas for a video, and then post them to TikTok. After that, every day is different.

70%: What can artists do to help save the world?

I saw that Billie Eilish has announced that her global tour is going to be sustainable. I think that’s really cool.

80%: Love, Like, Hate?

Love the internet, like food, hate tomatoes.

90%: Biggest pet peeve?

When technology doesn’t work, or do what it’s supposed to do.

100%: No.1 holiday destination?

Virtual reality.

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