A year in lockdown, snapped

Yes, that’s right. It’s almost been a year since the nationwide lockdown was implemented, and a lot has gone on since then. So, THE FACE wants you to submit your best photo response to the past 12 months.
It seems hard to believe, but 23rd March will mark a year – yes, a year – since the UK went into lockdown. Shops shuttered, nightclubs bordered up and the beloved pub waved a solemn goodbye to trusty punters, as the nation followed government guidelines to help stop the transmission of Covid-19.
Now in 2021, we’re… still here.
But a lot has happened over the past twelve months. In between Zoom calls, daily walks, turning back to retrieve a forgotten face mask – and a whole host of government calamities – came a resilience from the public, an admiration for the NHS, and a “new normal”. Whatever that means.
So to revisit what would once be considered an unthinkable year, we are putting together a selection of photo submissions from photographers across the country, asking for their interpretation of the above.
Submit your image by 15th March with a caption that sums up your feelings on the past twelve months: submissions@theface.com