New Yorkers celebrate Biden’s win at the Trump is Over party

Hundreds poured in to Washington Square Park Friday night to dance to YG’s Fuck Donald Trump and revel in the news of our President-elect, Joe Biden.
Words & photography: Adam Powell
Did you ever have a childhood birthday fall on a Monday, so you had your party on the Saturday before? It feels just as good as your birthday because all your friends turn up to have a good time, and you know you’ve still got another great day in store.
That’s exactly what Friday night in Manhattan felt like, as hundreds of New Yorkers gathered at Washington Square Park to celebrate Donald Trump’s election loss to veteran Democrat Joe Biden.
Though Joe Biden’s win wasn’t officially called until Saturday morning, revellers danced through the streets of Manhattan the night prior, led by the ever inspiring youth-led BLM action group Warriors In The Garden. The speakers blared perfectly fitting hits such as YG’s Fuck Donald Trump and I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. This was a party, not a protest.
While the mood was joyous and celebratory, the message from the organisers was clear; the fight is not over, and while their preferred candidate has won the election, they still have a lot to do to gain the trust and respect of the people.