Christopher Kane: “You can find joy in the unlikeliest of places now, even getting a takeaway!”

From Sex print deckchairs and fans, to anti-virus masks and wipe clean card holders, Christopher Kane’s new More Joy drop is bringing the heat while ensuring safety first in a time of pandemic.
Words: Brooke McCord
What started out as a single T‑shirt and dress from their Joy Of Sex collection soon became the mantra for Christopher, and sister Tammy, Kane’s spin off line: More Joy. The uplifting line has brought joy to the many and left them begging London’s favourite designer for, well, more.
Filled with Instagram-friendly slogans (More Joy, Sex, Special) printed on essential goods – fans, water bottles, beach towels, hats, knickers and a vibrator (joy, indeed) – Kane’s bitesize drops are most certainly pushing people’s buttons.
The Scottish designer’s last collection released in February was, fittingly, all about the cosy and warm joy found indoors (it’s like he predicted the lockdown…), but today’s drop comes flavoured with the new found sense of freedom that the looser lockdown brings.
So what’s been bringing Kane joy in the great outdoors?
“I am lucky to have a garden so that has been my sanctuary for the past four months,” he says. “Usually I would say London parks, but they’ve been so busy it’s been stressful navigating social distancing and walking my dog, Bruce.
“I am really looking forward to a couple of weeks in Suffolk. I just want to be in nature surrounded by fields and open sky.”
The latest More Joy capsule is designed for exactly that: long days spent frolicking in sun-kissed fields or paddling in warm water with the sand between your toes.
Think: mens and womens swimwear, Sex print shirts, Special fans and a limited run of deckchairs – essential for those of you who’ve naturally migrated your WFH station to the garden/balcony/window/roof. More heat, please.
“There is no excess, just really nice pieces you can use day in and day out,” Kane says of the affordably priced collection. “That is what More Joy is all about.”
He’s considered the pandemic, too. Anti-virus masks and wipe clean card holders, ensure that safety first does not mean less joy!
“The More Joy face mask and Sex card holder are my go-tos for stepping out the door every day,” Kane says. “I don’t know about you, but I just want to take the bare minimum when I go out.”

For Kane, like many, the pandemic has had its ups and downs. He’s missing his sisters and nieces the most (he recently bought them – his nieces, not his sisters – some “ridiculously pink sequin tulle dresses” that made him smile from ear to ear). He’s also missing the freedom to be out and about without fear of catching Covid-19 and he’s become hardcore about cleaning (“which I really want to go away… I have too much time on my hands”). But it’s afforded him space for thought, too.
“On one hand it is the first time in 14 years, since setting up my own label, that I’ve spent a solid period of time in my home. I am usually travelling and always on the go, so that has been the benefit,” he says. “It has definitely made me reflect and think about how I want to live going-forward.”
And when you’re as much of an optimist as Kane, a break in cycle can only be seen as a positive thing. “Understandably, I think humans are built to avoid uncertainty, to do everything in their power to avoid it,” he explains. “For once in my life I am facing uncertainty without fear, the outcome is finding opportunities and possibilities that I would not have seen before.”
During a time in which the fashion industry is facing a seismic shift and houses are turning to virtual fashion shows, it’s hard to predict what the “new normal” might bring.
“Digital is part of daily life and has been for a long time, but for me personally there is nothing that can compare to a real live fashion show,” Kane says. “I hope that once there is a vaccine, we can return to having human contact and that fashion shows and presentations will be part of the fashion conversation again.”
As the master of More Joy, I’m interested to know the things that bring Kane the most joy…
“You can find joy in the unlikeliest of places now, even getting a takeaway delivered the other night felt like a huge treat!” Kane laughs.
But when what about the things that money can’t buy?
“Unconditional love and loyalty from my family, close friends, and Bruce. Knowing that I always have their support and love no matter what is the most precious thing,” he replies. “Hilarious really as all we do is slag each other off, to each other’s faces, and laugh at each other… It’s my Scottish upbringing!”
Perhaps we could all learn a thing or two from the Scots.