

Go piss girl

Lap up this cheeky fashion story from the new issue of THE FACE, shot by French photography duo Suzie and Leo, and styled by Ally Macrae.


Guess USA gets wet and wild for SS24

Fashion news of the week: Plus, Barry Keoghan becomes a Burberry brand ambassador, Diesel and Lee hook up, Selfridges opens a joke shop and Gentle Monster and Maison Margiela are back.


All over

A collection of weird and wonderful sculptures by the artist Sofia Lai in the new issue of THE FACE, photographed by Luca Trevisani.


Pick up

Glorious Gucci pieces are worn out and about in this fashion story from the new print issue of THE FACE, photographed by Alex Gordienko and styled by Andrew Sauceda.


High life

Live it up with this fashion editorial fresh from the new print issue of THE FACE, shot and styled by New Zealand-born artist Thistle Brown.

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