Revelations 010: Tommy Cash
Blimey, 10 episodes already? Joining us for this blinding milestone is Estonian musician, Instagram joker and Rick Owens’ mate, Tommy Cash. We asked him how his love life’s going, he showed us an air snog. Enjoy!
Welcome to Revelations, where The Face asks a series of famous faces all the questions to which you’ve been dying to know the answers.
This is no Diane Sawyer-style, tear-inducing Hollywood hoohah, oh no. This is where the real beans (of the Heinz variety) are spilled. Where we find out what your favourite popstar keeps under their bed. What they think about in the bath. Whether they’ve ever been in love. And, the big one: their take on the meaning of life.
Who’s that guy with the gorgeous mane? It’s Tommy Cash, of course – the Estonian musician, Instagram funny man and proper fashionista. He’s friends with Rick Owens, dontchaknow?
For the 10th episode of our up-close-and-intimate series, Cash flew 1500 miles from the Baltic States to east London – especially for us, ofc – to get the Revelations treatment. True to hilarious-on-his-socials form, he was a proper good sport, gamely answering our probing questions, viz: “What do you have under your bed?” “How’s your love life?” “What’s Rick Owens really like?”
Truly, there ain’t a patch uncovered.
Director and Editor – Millie Gray
Producer – Rosanna Gouldman
Interviewer – TJ Sidhu
DOP – Timi Akindele-Ajani
Sound Mix – Catherine Marriott-Brown
Runner – Georgie Done
Keep your eyes peeled for Tommy Cash’s imminent music release. In the meantime, though, jump around to SDUBID.