New world biking

BikeStormz is the biggest youth ride out in the UK and Europe. An event that started life as a means of protesting against violent crime it has, since its foundation by Mac Ferrari-Guy in 2015, grown into a movement, a lifestyle, a way of riding in and of itself.

Arti­cle tak­en from The Face Vol­ume 4 Issue 005. Order your copy here.

I was trying to find a mate’s apartment and ended up next to a Sainsbury’s and there was this massive open car park with no cars in it, and like, 100 kids blowing around on bikes. It looked mad, and I was thinking, what the fuck?! It just looked like I’d entered a new world. At the time I was about to do the Vossi Bop video, so when I saw them I knew straight away. That inspired me, that spoke to me. I talked to C1 and Bobby, I think, who are some of the main bikers. I said, yo, I’m doing a video, will you lot come down? They came to the shoot and it was a sick day. But even on the way to the video shoot, I remember I was driving there and I see bare bikes, so they rode to the video shoot from wherever…

And the shoot was far, like the end of east London. I was thinking, they are truly in the spirit. Bikestormz are legendary, powerful, inspirational. They’ve inspired me, they’ve inspired many people. They have a movement and a whole culture and a whole world that they’ve created and exist in, and believe in and love in. I think when you’ve got such a passion for something, me being passionate about what I do, it’s always inspiring to see people as passionate for what they do in their own craft.

They’ve taught me about bike slang, they’ve got a way of life. It’s amazing when you can create your own world inside a world. They’re a powerful group of young people. They’ve got my support til the end.


BikeStormz are legendary, powerful, inspirational. They’ve inspired me. They’ve inspired many people”



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