Kasia Kucharska is making silicone sexy

The German label sits at the intersection of fashion and architecture, weaving silicone lace into contemporary fashion statements.

Kasia Kucharska pushes the boundaries of design. With an extensive knowledge of architecture and an interest in challenging traditional fashion techniques, the Berlin-based designer has branded herself by turning fluoro-green silicone lace into barely-there crop tops, cutesy socks and sexy, figure-hugging bodysuits.

“[They] symbolise my state of mind: often frivolous, sometimes irrational, always emotional,” Kucharska says on her signature craftsmanship . Our clothes are about making everyday moments feel bigger.”

Kucharska’s interest in deconstructing fashion peaked while she was studying an MA in fashion design at Berlin University of the Arts. Exploring the historical relevance and origin of lace, she learnt how to transport a traditional haute couture material into a modern day setting.

Instead of the strenuous, finger taxing process of twisting and plaiting multiple threads, Kucharska forges silicone lace” piping using her secret” technique – elevating the material from the 17th and 18th century into a contemporary feminine wardrobe.

A lot of techniques that I use are not necessarily linked to fashion in the first place,” explains Kucharshka, I don’t like the sewing machine that much and am always looking for ways to avoid it.”

Having studied architecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart and the acclaimed Kyoto Institute of Technology in Japan, Kucharska is well-equipped to debunk classic fashion design mechanisms.

I studied architecture and translated all I learned there into clothing,” says the young creative, who first worked in retail design and created shop concepts for fashion brands such as Balenciaga. That’s when I developed a different understanding of fashion and decided that I actually want to develop the product itself – not just the surrounding.”

The result: her eponymous label, which centres romance, eccentricity and sensuality at its core. Above all, the clothes are for people seeking pleasure, because ultimately we need escapes, fun and to dance with people we love.” It’s an ethos that sportswear giants Ellesse wanted a slice of, tapping the label to reimagine their SS19 collection last August.

But for now Kasia Kucharska wants to focus on her own project. The most exciting thing is this journey itself,” she says. We want to utilise our weight not only as a brand, but as a platform to have an impact within the communities we feel we belong to and want to support.”

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