The best Christmas gifts for bookworms
A book says a thousand words. From side-splitting nonfiction and zines, to proper escapism and bonafide witchcraft, there’s something for everyone in our handy guide.
A book says a thousand words. From side-splitting nonfiction and zines, to proper escapism and bonafide witchcraft, there’s something for everyone in our handy guide.
It was the viral story that had Noughties kids glued to MSN messenger. Now, its cultural significance is being celebrated with a print edition.
In Home History, the Nigerian poet, filmmaker and former Young People's Laureate for London dissects the impact of British colonialism on his home country, in a book which brings together some of the diaspora's brightest voices.
Adam Zmith’s new book explores the history of poppers, from its medicinal properties to its hedonistic centre stage in queer culture. Aaaaand inhale...
Photographer Jermaine Francis’s Rhythms of the Metroplex explores life without proximity and how time really can be of the essence.
In her brilliant and rigorously argued debut book, the writer sets a radical new agenda for trans people – and everyone else – living in the UK.