Horny devils: the rise of Satanic thirst traps
From Beelzebub with a barrel chest and cherry-red bubble-butt to kinksters engaging in blasphemous porn – meet the online Satanic community.
From Beelzebub with a barrel chest and cherry-red bubble-butt to kinksters engaging in blasphemous porn – meet the online Satanic community.
Got a burning sex question that you're too embarrassed to ask anyone but Google about? Charlotte Bayes is here to help.
We speak to a psychosexual therapist and individuals whose sexual appetites have shrunk during the pandemic.
From cock rings and Rampant Rabbits to hands-free masturbators and self-cleaning vibrators, get sex toy savvy with this guide to the best-rated toys in town.
Over the last year, prescriptions to antidepressants in the UK have soared. One of their most exasperating side effects? A decreased sex drive and inability to reach orgasm.
Sex toys are cleaning up their act and repositioning themselves within the beauty and health sphere. But is it coming at the cost of those in the sex industry?