
Meat the man behind the first boner on British TV
Sam Morris’s erection was the first ever to be broadcast on the box when it was shown on Channel 4’s taboo-breaking Me and My Penis documentary. Get to know him and his willy.

Lap(top) dancers: how a strip club is adapting to the coronavirus
Atlanta’s Magic City is one of the world’s most famous strip clubs. Now, prompted by the coronavirus lockdown, it’s launched a live streaming platform. But how do you replicate the IRL magic online?

A comprehensive guide to erotic eye contact
Having sex six feet apart isn’t easy, but eye fucking could be the answer to help you bridge that gap.

Love in Lockdown: A‑Z
Shagging, wanking, getting off, getting on, listening to erotica, necking vodka, PornHub, dicks, knobs, tits and a bit of foreplay. How’s your love life looking during lockdown?

How video dating is developing its own etiquette
“Should you lock the room on a first date?” and other questions we’re asking ourselves at the birth of a new era for digital intimacy.