How much time do we have to save the planet?
...or are we past the point of no return? Gulp. On your marks, get set, read...
...or are we past the point of no return? Gulp. On your marks, get set, read...
The Central American nation continues to take the world by surprise. President Nayib Bukele has announced an eco-friendly alternative to mining Bitcoin using electricity, instead choosing one of its 20 active volcanoes to do the job.
In short, it’s pretty bad. So bad, in fact, that Tesla will no longer accept Bitcoin, despite having invested over $1.5 billion in it. Thankfully, there are other digital currencies that put being green front and centre.
The environmental protest group reboots this week with a new round of actions. But in a time of Covid-19, looming recession, mass unemployment, deteriorating mental health and racial trauma, is it enough to recapture our attention?
Noah founder Brendon Babenzien discusses his design inspiration, favourite running playlist and why his adidas collaboration is more than just a drop in the ocean.
The heavily anticipated Final Fantasy 7 is a beautiful piece of work. However its eco-apocalypse storyline struggles in a gaming industry whose environmental impact is sizeable and growing.