What happens when sex comes with a free therapy session?
A Single Man: a so-so shag proves unexpectedly good for the mind in this week’s gay sex column.
A Single Man: a so-so shag proves unexpectedly good for the mind in this week’s gay sex column.
Welcome to the first of our gay sex column. As it turns out, you can still get royally eff-ed during Dry Jan.
Welcome to Qatar 2022: the winter World Cup no one wanted. But here’s ambassador David Beckham to explain why everything’s cool. Just tell that to the queer fans on the ground.
Pppers have come a long way since their Victorian beginnings. These days, they’re luxury, darling, so we went down to a poppers party to find out what the fuss was about.
A newly-published paper, Berghain: Space, Affect and Sexual Disorientation, examines how nightlife can shape our sexualities. Simon Doherty speaks to its researcher to find out more.
Disproportionate homelessness, wider pay gaps and the loss of liberating nightlife spaces as clubs close at record levels: charities and campaigners tell us of the potential impact on queer people.