Everything to know before your first sex party
From queer raves to hedonistic mansion parties, these kinky, XXX-rated events aren’t as intimidating as you might think. Pull on your fishnets, it’s time to dive in.
From queer raves to hedonistic mansion parties, these kinky, XXX-rated events aren’t as intimidating as you might think. Pull on your fishnets, it’s time to dive in.
Exploring your sexuality while you're still figuring out the whole coming out thing can be, well, daunting to say the least. Luckily, our resident dating Agony Aunt Beth Ashley is on hand to help.
Laying down some ground rules with a date is awkward and scary, and we hate it. But it matters – a lot. Our resident agony aunt Beth Ashley is here to show you how it’s done.
Self-professed “alphas” like Andrew Tate are racking up millions of views on the platform, as they dish out the worst dating advice, like, ever, while wearing terrible suits. Don’t listen to any of it.
Turns out, a lot of us are our own worst enemies when it comes to coupling up. But, as luck would have it, our resident agony aunt Beth Ashley is here to sort the mess out.
Brunettes or blondes? Who cares! Cognitive behavioural therapy just got much sexier.
Micro or massive? It doesn’t matter really. When it comes to doing the dirty, it's all about technique.
It turns out sexual problems are even more common than mental health problems – and the two can exacerbate one another.
Women who are raped are deserving of an abortion if they want one. But so are the women who have casual sex with multiple partners without protection, says Beth Ashley.
With the rise of prank videos that take it too far, influencers have figured out a fool-proof way to get likes: treat their partners like shit.
Hinge got your head spinning? In tears over Tinder? Put your dating app woes to bed with these tips.
Your familial wealth isn’t something you’d normally think about when boning. But it does have an impact on where, when and how we shag.
Break-ups are tough, but they’re even harder when the relationship leaves you with trauma. The good news? Those feelings don’t last forever. Here’s how to put yourself back together.
Ickbait: “I can’t see a man tuck into a turkey dinosaur and still fancy him,” says Beth Ashley.
“Cancelling on a cheap park date over money was horrifically embarrassing.”
So much of cheating on screen is presented as flippant promiscuity or malicious deception – but in reality, infidelity rarely happens that way.
Ever Googled your fave, only to find their success involves family connections? Unearthing nepo babies online is teaching fans about privilege faster than you can say “started from the bottom”.
The business of sex is booming, with new toys and retreats costing upwards of £10,000. Are we entering a 21st century sextopia? Or is kinky capitalism just cashing in?
2021 in review: This year, celebs left their inhibitions in 2020 and embraced full-on, full-frontal romances, snogging for cameras and posting cringe-but-cute Insta captions. Gross!