Palace x Juergen Teller: sex, fags and frogs

The London skate brand has teamed up with the legendary photographer in one of its most provocative drops yet.

After nabbing larger-than-life collabs with Stella Artois, Arc’teryx and Mercedes-AMG, Palace has now teamed up with legendary photographer Juergen Teller for a brand new capsule collection, in what’s shaping up to be one of fashion’s most irreverent pairings of the year.

A close friend of Palace since 2018, Teller has shot many of the brand’s discerning lookbooks.

The duo’s latest drop, launching 9th July, features reimagined Tri-Ferg logos, playful handwriting scribbled onto tees and some of Teller’s most recognisable images emblazoned across entire garments. These include a frozen dead dog in a bin (!) taken in 90s Czechoslovakia, where Teller travelled after his father’s death, as well as a steamy image of cult model Kristen McMenamy from a cover shoot for Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin.

The collection features some never before seen images, too. There’s a self-portrait of Teller holding a placard that fittingly proclaims Football is our life”, a photo collage hoodie styled by the late, great Judy Blame and, er, a cigarette hoodie – all of which were smoked by Norwegian literary titan Karl Ove Knausgård, no less.

You probably won’t get the opportunity to actually wear Teller’s provocative, documentary style of photography again, so get yourself down to the shops to grab a slice of this history-making collab. Palace will even be handing out special newspapers designed by the photographer with every in-store purchase.

The collection is available from Palace Shops in London, NYC, Los Angeles, Dover Street Market in London and Los Angeles from 11am BST /​12pm CEST-EU /​11am EDT /​8am PDT on 9th July. Tokyo and WeChat China from 11am JST /​CST on 10th July. For more information, visit palaceskate​boards​.com

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