Unrealistic beauty standards: does my cock look big in this?
A Single Man: Channel 4’s clothes-free body-positivity show, Naked Education, has our columnist questioning self-image in the gay community.
A Single Man: Channel 4’s clothes-free body-positivity show, Naked Education, has our columnist questioning self-image in the gay community.
A Single Man: dating two guys simultaneously results in some mind-altering realisations for our gay sex columnist.
A Single Man: an evening in a horrible “rustic” pub reveals the worst of sexual desires.
A Single Man: A recent report has found there are less LGBTQ+ people on telly. Eh? I thought we were supposed to be multiplying.
A Single Man: when you’re feeling down, a solid night out can be as medicinal as taking painkillers to treat a headache, our gay sex columnist reckons.
A Single Man: After watching George Michael’s Channel 4 documentary this week, our gay sex columnist spent the week thinking about the LGBTQ+ people living in fear.