Results for: 'model'


How Iceland’s football team went Against the Elements

Hailing from a volcanic outcrop, Iceland went against the odds by going toe-to-toe with the giants at the Euro 2016 and 2018 World Cup. Here, writer Matt McGinn and photographer Joseph Fox investigate the factors behind Iceland’s remarkable transformation from minnow to ultimate sporting underdog.


Romeo & Juliet: the Covid Cut

Jessie Buckley and Josh O’Connor, the doomed lovers in the National Theatre’s disruptive new play-as-a-TV-film, explain why their Shakespeare adaptation is the right drama for right now.

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How problematic is AI technology?

Getting to the crux is writer Matt Burgess, whose new book Artificial Intelligence – part of the WIRED series – weighs up the pros and cons of surveillance, personal data and face recognition.


In 2021, ring designers are giving the finger to tradition

Last year, colourful, amorphous rings from jewellers La Manso, Bea Bongiasca, Beepy Bella and Blobb were spotted on celebs and Zoom calls alike. As the world remains under the thumb of a health crisis, THE FACE explores how outsider designers providing nonsensical escapism will continue to dominate in 2021.

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