Results for: 'social media'


The best new novelists to keep on your radar

Let’s be positive for a moment – lockdown has ushered in a flurry of brilliant first-time writers spanning fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Here, we chart THE FACE’s favourite newcomers you should be keeping your beady eyes on this spring.


Can Dua Lipa top Future Nostalgia?

The superstar’s second album has been the defining pop record of the 2020s. On her new single Houdini, Dua has teamed up with Tame Impala to take a different musical direction.

The Face Newsletter

A rundown of things to read, watch and listen to each week. 0% Spam. 100% The Face.


Can clubbing make you gay?

A newly-published paper, Berghain: Space, Affect and Sexual Disorientation, examines how nightlife can shape our sexualities. Simon Doherty speaks to its researcher to find out more.


KESH’s world

The LA-via-London creative has already made a name for herself in fashion and as a fine artist. Now, following Prince’s advice, her free-spirited music career is blossoming.

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