Results for: 'mental health'


What 00s teachers really thought of Skins

Skins walked so Euphoria could run, bringing pill-popping hedonism and teen struggles with mental health to the fore. Fifteen years after the show premiered, we spoke to two teachers working in secondary schools when it aired and asked: was the show actually reflective of real-world issues? Or was it just standing in the way of control?


Bella Poarch: how to build a popstar

Bella Poarch is already a survivor, and a Navy veteran, at just 24. Now the tiny but tough TikTok star is ready to step off the app and head, eyes narrowed, for pop stardom, plushie alpaca in tow.

The Face Newsletter

A rundown of things to read, watch and listen to each week. 0% Spam. 100% The Face.


Beabadoobee: searching for Beatopia

When her debut album, Fake It Flowers, was released just before the UK went into lockdown, Beabadoobee became a bedroom indie star who would have to remain in the bedroom. Now, with a fanatical following and an expansive second album dropping in July, the musician is at the top of her game – and out in the world.

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