
We’re just doing what we’re meant to do”

Over the last few weeks, The Face has introduced you to key workers from sectors across the UK. Here, 23-year-old Amira takes us onto the frontline of the postal service, as we spend a day on her round in Watford.

Wolf Alice’s Joff Oddie on his folk music food bank fundraiser

The Mercury-winning band's guitarist spent his down time post-tour volunteering at a north London food bank. Now he’s releasing an album of folk instrumentals to raise money and awareness. We speak to him, and to centre manager Abi Odujoko, about the scourge of food poverty – and how it’s immeasurably worse now.

Photos from the clap for carers

Every Thursday at 8pm the nation sticks its head out the window to applaud the NHS staff and key workers tackling the coronavirus pandemic. Here, photographers from across the UK, capture the moment.

Life after lockdown in New Zealand

The claims that it’s beaten Covid-19 might not be entirely accurate, but New Zealand is one of the first countries to start easing lockdown. Is there dancing – or even just socialising – in the streets? Not quite…

Life on lockdown in Tunisia

Two hundred working hospital beds. Fifteen per cent unemployment. Poverty rates that only the privileged could ignore. Tunisia is stable, but it’s still under lockdown.

Life on Lockdown in Bangkok

A cancelled new year festival. Idling pad thai vendors and tuk tuk drivers. Deserted bars and massage parlours. No tourists. For one teenage resident, Thailand’s capital is a ghost of its vibrant former self.

Life on lockdown in Amsterdam

Cannabis café closures. Designated social areas in public parks. Police patrolling on bikes and boats and hefty fines for breaking the rules. Georgia Boal-Russell – the newly self-titled “Erin Brockovich of hygiene” – reports from The Netherlands.

Life on lockdown in New York

Chinatown was once a busy, dissonant hotspot of downtown, with tenants piled on top of each other. Now it’s an empty lot, free of commerce and devoid of all human activity.

Life on lockdown in Barcelona

In Spain locals are singing with their neighbours, weed dealers are creating “virtual dispensaries” on Instagram, crime has dropped by a staggering 70 per cent and local wildlife roams the streets. Writer Tim Smith shares his observations.

Life on lockdown in Berlin

Positive measures to protect the arts. Uplifting community initiatives. A newly cashless society. Despite Berlin’s general reluctance to abide by rules, the city's instructions around COVID-19 have struck a chord. Photographer Carys Huws weighs in.

Quaranteens: life on lockdown with the Class of COVID-19

On Friday 20th March 2020, schools across the UK closed their doors to most pupils. For 16 to 18-year-olds up and down Britain, school's suddenly out... forever. We jumped in a WhatsApp group with teens across the country to hear how they feel about the summer that got cancelled.

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