Results for: 'social-media'


Has your Zoom Face fatigue hit an all-time high?

Thanks to an excessive amount of screen time, lockdown has not only changed the way we socialise, but also the way we look. Or want to look. From TikTok dermatologists to secret facial work-outs, we investigate how Zoom is affecting our relationship with skincare and our sense of self, 12 months in.

The Face Newsletter

A rundown of things to read, watch and listen to each week. 0% Spam. 100% The Face.


Meet Doja Cat’s most loyal fans (in LA)

Between a Satanic panic and an exodus of Instagram followers, the last few months have been testing for the Kittenz (don’t let Doja see us calling her fans that). But outside the Los Angeles stop of her Scarlet Tour, these followers are still lapping it up.

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