Results for: 'twitter'


iona is a DJ you can trust

From working at the legendary venue Dance Tunnel to securing a regular spot at the beloved Field Maneuvers festival, the East Londoner has well and truly earned her stripes in UK night life.

The Face Newsletter

A rundown of things to read, watch and listen to each week. 0% Spam. 100% The Face.


Should you have sex on the first date?

To bang or not to bang? That is the question thousands of people have punched into Google over the years. It's also the question that THE FACE's sex and relationships columnist Charlotte Bayes is taking on this week.


Is breadcrumbing the new ghosting?

From the dating scene that gave us ghosting comes a new way to get screwed over: breadcrumbing. Here's how to make sure you don't become a Hansel and Gretel tragedy.

The best of THE FACE. Straight to your inbox. 

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