
How livestreaming altered the protests in Louisville

Thousands continue to march demanding justice for Breonna Taylor, who was murdered by police. And some innovative protesters in the Bluegrass state are livestreaming action in the streets, both for inclusion and for accountability.

Tear gas 101: what it does and why it’s deadly

As protestors across the US find themselves smothered by an intoxicating smog that causes tearing, burning and trouble breathing, four experts outline the dangers of so-called “non-lethal” weapons that are banned in warfare, yet remain legal for domestic matters of law enforcement.

A guide to Bristol activism

Loved watching Colston’s statue being thrown in the harbour? Here’s what to watch, listen to, read and who to follow to understand Bristol’s fight against racism.

Life after lockdown in Copenhagen

Denmark was the first European country to reopen schools. And downtown Copenhagen is full of people once again allowed to go to the pubs (remember those?). But was the success of Danish social isolation partly achieved by a troubling form of national isolation?

Make some noise for black lives

In response to the recent report, which found black communities more likely to die from Covid-19 than white, Black Lives Matter UK and Race & Health are encouraging the public to make some noise for those staying at home.

Take action

A list of petitions, protests and funds you can contribute to and learn from in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

Mint conditioning: the burn-out of menthol cigs

They’ve plunged you, panting, into the beating heart of the day. But from this week menthol cigarettes and filters have been stubbed out for good. Here’s why their loss will be felt by mintheads across smoking areas forever.

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