Results for: 'rated by the face'


Gay Bar: why we went out

Jeremy Atherton Lin is a writer from California whose new book, Gay Bar, asks: does gay still have a place? With queer venues closing around the world, Gay Bar is a hilarious, arousing and challenging reminder, not just of where we went out – but why.


Why are you buying this drink?

October, 1998: It’s orange. It’s mainly sugar and water. It outsells Coke in supermarkets. Sunny Delight is the marketing success of the decade. Haven’t tried it yet? Don’t worry. You will.

The Face Newsletter

A rundown of things to read, watch and listen to each week. 0% Spam. 100% The Face.


Acting hard with British cinema’s toughest lads

The BFI’s new programme pays homage to working-class men on screen, featuring films such as The Football Factory, My Beautiful Launderette and Sexy Beast – all of which tell us more about the class divide than any arthouse flick will.

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