Good art, good mates, good times at NYC’s Public Access Gallery
Artist and curator Leif Jones has joined forces with Leo Fitzpatrick’s experimental space to put on Night Light, a show all about community, friendship and stellar art.
Artist and curator Leif Jones has joined forces with Leo Fitzpatrick’s experimental space to put on Night Light, a show all about community, friendship and stellar art.
From tribal tatts to acid rave smileys, Manon Macasaet’s I <3 TATTOO features custom-made, temporary ink from some of New York City’s most exciting artists.
Photographer Adam Powell documents Hartsdale Cemetery and the deep spiritual bond humans have with their pets – including Diana Ross and Mariah Carey, who’ve both had furry friends buried there.
The self-taught designer’s NYC shop has become a one-stop destination for all things bright and beautiful. With a new collection around the corner, she reveals how she got there.
At just 24, NYC’s enigmatic artist has already carved a legacy for his airbrushed tags appearing not only on canvases across galleries, but in Supreme, Arc’teryx and Givenchy collections, too. Now, the serial tagger is telling his story from the beginning.
In a photo project titled Asian Kids, photographer Gabriel Chiu went around New York shooting East Asian teenagers smoking, riding the subway, bunking off and making out.