Results for: 'fashion east'


htown is east London’s new one-stop-shop

MACHINE-A’s ex-buyer, Harry Fisher, has opened up shop, stocking the best in Brit-fash from Martine Rose to Ahluwalia. Here, we ask: is he mad for opening a clothing store in the middle of a pandemic?

The Face Newsletter

A rundown of things to read, watch and listen to each week. 0% Spam. 100% The Face.


Art School finds the light amidst the dark

There’s a palpable confidence in Eden Loweth’s second season at the helm of his brand since the departure of his partner. This season, there’s a refined attitude and a broader spectrum of political messaging throughout.


Sole Asylum

February, 1997: The most important clothing brand of the century is now set to make the running in the next. What makes Nike tick?

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