
1917: anthem for doomed youth

Forget Firth and Cumberbatch. Sam Mendes’s award-winning First World War blockbuster is all about the young actors on a life-or-death mission between the trenches – and Dean-Charles Chapman is the Essex lad leading from the front.

Making a murderer: Freddie Fox on his new role as Jeremy Bamber

The White House Farm killings – which saw Bamber convicted of shooting dead his family at the age of 24 – were one of the most notorious British crimes of the Eighties. How does an actor prepare for that kind of role – especially when, 34 years later, the murderer still insists he’s innocent?

An oral history of Girl, Interrupted

Susanna Kaysen’s mental ward memoir was adapted into one of the most harrowing female-led films of the last 30 years. Director James Mangold and key members of the film’s crew look back on its making.

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