Results for: 'model'

Red Scare, Don’t Care

Anna Khachiyan and Dasha Nekrasova: from “aimless, ambition-less, washed-up losers” to the ultimate podcast provocateurs


Who owns the land on the moon?

“There’s a febrile atmosphere of anything-goes absurdity that pitches governments, billionaires and their space toys into the same orbit as chancers.”


Why are you buying this drink?

October, 1998: It’s orange. It’s mainly sugar and water. It outsells Coke in supermarkets. Sunny Delight is the marketing success of the decade. Haven’t tried it yet? Don’t worry. You will.


Careers in cannabis

It’s estimated that the legal industry will be worth $146bn by 2025. That’s a lot of green to go around. So how do you get involved?

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